Mastering Bed Preparation: Guide To A Stellar Property Photography Session

When it comes to showcasing a property's potential, attention to detail is crucial. One essential aspect that can significantly impact the overall aesthetics of a property listing is how the beds are presented. A well-made bed not only enhances the visual appeal but also creates a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for potential buyers. In this blog post, we split it into easy and achievable steps to guide you through the process of making beds in preparation for a successful property photography session. 

Start with a Clean Slate: Before diving into the art of bed-making, ensure that the bedding is fresh, clean, and neatly ironed. Freshly laundered sheets and pillowcases are essential to create a crisp and inviting look. Remove any obvious wrinkles or creases, as they can detract from the overall presentation of the bed.

Choose Appropriate Bedding:
Select bedding that complements the style and ambiance of the room. Consider the color scheme, patterns, and textures that will harmonize with the overall interior design. Opt for neutral tones or subtle patterns to create a universally appealing aesthetic that will resonate with a broad range of potential buyers.

Fluff Pillows: Pillows play a significant role in making a bed look cozy and inviting. Start by fluffing and plumping the pillows to give them a fuller and more luxurious appearance. Place larger pillows against the headboard or wall, followed by medium-sized ones, and finish with smaller decorative pillows in front. Alternatively, layer color-contrasting pillows on top of each other.

Arrange Throws:  Additionally, consider adding one or a few throw blankets folded at the foot of the bed for an added layer of style and sophistication.

By following these steps, you can create a stunning and inviting bed presentation that will captivate potential buyers and help showcase the property's true potential. Remember, attention to detail and a keen eye for aesthetics will go a long way in creating visually appealing property listings that leave a lasting impression.

So, take your time, ensure cleanliness, and let the bedding arrangements enhance the property's charm. With a well-made bed, you'll be well on your way to helping your photographer to capture stunning images that entice and inspire prospective buyers. Not sure where to start? Ask your photographer! We have a trained eye on all things aesthetic and know what looks best in the frame! 


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